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Mobile App Strategy


What great late night talk show hosts taught me about hosting successful digital workshops. From Johnny Carson to Jimmy Fallon, late night talk show hosts have been a staple of

Apple Vision Pro


In his very well-thought-out article Vision Pro vs. Macintosh: A historical perspective journalist Ed Hardy draws a great parallel between the MacIntosh and the Apple Vision Pro.  Hardy mentions, accurately,

An iPhone App that performs 3D scans of feet
3D Scanning

3D-Scan: The Next Generation of Size and Fit

3D-Scan: The Next Generation of Size and Fit 3D Scanning Get the right shoe size the first time (and every time after that too) The Next Generation of Size and

An app that is Straight forward
Mobile App Strategy

Your Mobile App Has Too Many Features

In today’s digital age, every business decision, no matter how big or small, is crucial in defining the company’s trajectory. Choosing the right mobile app development approach – native vs. hybrid/multiplatform – is one such strategic decision that could significantly impact your business’ mobile presence.

Mobile App Strategy

Why Native Mobile Apps Last Longer

In today’s digital age, every business decision, no matter how big or small, is crucial in defining the company’s trajectory. Choosing the right mobile app development approach – native vs. hybrid/multiplatform – is one such strategic decision that could significantly impact your business’ mobile presence.

Mobile App Strategy

Why Native Mobile Apps are Still the Superior Choice

In today’s digital age, mobile apps have become an essential part of our daily lives. From social media to productivity tools and everything in between, there seems to be an app for everything. But have you ever wondered what sets apart the apps that you enjoy using the most? Chances are, they are native mobile apps. In fact, most of the apps running on your phone and the top apps on app stores are native apps. Despite the rise of hybrid apps in recent years, native apps continue to offer several advantages over hybrid apps. In this article, we will explore why native mobile apps are still the superior choice in 2023.

Mobile App Strategy

Going Native: Why Choosing a Native Mobile App Language Over a Hybrid App Is Future Proofing Your App

In today’s digital world, mobile apps are a critical part of our daily lives. They are used for everything from shopping and banking to entertainment and socializing. As a result, businesses and developers are constantly seeking ways to create mobile apps that stand out from the crowd, offer superior performance, and deliver the best user experience possible. One of the biggest decisions that developers face is whether to choose a native or hybrid mobile app language for their project.

Mobile App Strategy

Why Sidekick Believes in Native Mobile App Development

People have been creating and using mobile apps for as long as there have been mobile phones. But it wasn’t until the iPhone was released in 2007 that Mobile App Development took off, especially because of the popularity of the iPhone, its marketplace, and its large tactile screen. Mobile app development is the process of designing and building mobile apps. There are two main types of mobile apps in 2023: native apps and hybrid apps. Native apps are built specifically for one platform, such as iOS or Android. Hybrid apps are built using a single source of code and can be run on multiple platforms.



What great late night talk show hosts taught me about hosting successful digital workshops. From Johnny Carson to Jimmy Fallon, late night talk show hosts have been a staple of…


In his very well-thought-out article Vision Pro vs. Macintosh: A historical perspective journalist Ed Hardy draws a great parallel between the MacIntosh and the Apple Vision Pro.  Hardy mentions, accurately,…
3D-Scan: The Next Generation of Size and Fit

3D-Scan: The Next Generation of Size and Fit

3D-Scan: The Next Generation of Size and Fit 3D Scanning Get the right shoe size the first time (and every time after that too) The Next Generation of Size and…
Your Mobile App Has Too Many Features

Your Mobile App Has Too Many Features

In today's digital age, every business decision, no matter how big or small, is crucial in defining the company's trajectory. Choosing the right mobile app development approach – native vs.…
Why Native Mobile Apps Last Longer

Why Native Mobile Apps Last Longer

In today's digital age, every business decision, no matter how big or small, is crucial in defining the company's trajectory. Choosing the right mobile app development approach – native vs.…
The Robust Ecosystem of Native App Development: Winning in Talent and Expertise

The Robust Ecosystem of Native App Development: Winning in Talent and Expertise

The mobile app development landscape is as varied as it is evolving. With an array of development frameworks to choose from, businesses are often caught in the quagmire of deciding…
Why Native Mobile Apps are Still the Superior Choice

Why Native Mobile Apps are Still the Superior Choice

In today's digital age, mobile apps have become an essential part of our daily lives. From social media to productivity tools and everything in between, there seems to be an…
Going Native: Why Choosing a Native Mobile App Language Over a Hybrid App Is Future Proofing Your App

Going Native: Why Choosing a Native Mobile App Language Over a Hybrid App Is Future Proofing Your App

In today's digital world, mobile apps are a critical part of our daily lives. They are used for everything from shopping and banking to entertainment and socializing. As a result,…
Why Sidekick Believes in Native Mobile App Development

Why Sidekick Believes in Native Mobile App Development

People have been creating and using mobile apps for as long as there have been mobile phones. But it wasn’t until the iPhone was released in 2007 that Mobile App…
How a Client Used White Labelling to Pay For Their Mobile App Project

How a Client Used White Labelling to Pay For Their Mobile App Project

White labelling means creating a product or service that another company can use and put their own name on it. White-labelling native mobile apps can be a great way to…
How Are You Setting Up Your Digital Product Roadmap?

How Are You Setting Up Your Digital Product Roadmap?

Digital product roadmaps help organizations to plan, develop, and manage complex software products. Agencies work collaboratively with their clients to create a digital product roadmap that supports their objectives. The…
Making Snow Removal Easier for Citizens Through Azure and Mobile Apps

Making Snow Removal Easier for Citizens Through Azure and Mobile Apps

Sidekick Interactive has worked with the city of Montreal to developed native mobile apps for citizens living in the city to receive reliable and timely notifications about snow removal operations.…
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